INDOT TIP Administrative Modification Request: DES#2301263 (US 41 Planning and Eniveronment Linkage Study)
Prepare and Advance Terre Haute (PATH) 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)
The Draft PATH 2050 MTP is accepting final comment prior to adoption. This plan may be viewed via the following links:
SFY 2026 - 2030 TIP
The Terre Haute Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will be hosting a public open house to discuss the development of the Transportation Improvement Program for the State Fiscal Years of 2026 (7-1-2026) through 2030 (6-30-2030).
This meeting will be held on the 2nd floor of the HUB @ the Hulman Building located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, IN and will occur at 5:00 p.m.
I breif over view of the proposed list of projects can be found by following this link: SFY2026-2030TIP.
Residents, business owners, service organizations, and other stakeholders can utilize several ways to provide comment:
This Division conducts regional transportation planning throughout the West Central Indiana Metropolitan Planning as the Terre Haute Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (THAMPO). Congress established transportation planning organizations to ensure federal funds expended for transportation projects are based on a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (ā3-Cā) planning process that involves local government officials, community stakeholders, the state department of transportation, and the public.
The Transportation Policy Committe (TPC) serves as the official decision and policy-making boby for the prescribed multimodal transportation planning process. Meetings will take place in the conference room at the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation office located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202, Terre Haute, Indiana 47807. Meetings are scheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m.
The Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) provides technical advice to the TPC and the linkage between planning and implementation. Meetings will take place in the conference room at the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation office located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Suite, 202 Terre Haute, Indiana 47807. Meetings are scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m.
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) provides input and advice to the TPC and the TTC on transportation planning issues. Meetings will take place in the conference room at the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation office located at 900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202, Terre Haute, IN 47807. Meetings are scheduled to begin at 10;30 a.m.
The Citizens Advisory Committee/Accessibility Advisory Committee (CAC/AAC) has been formed under the leadership of the Terre Haute Transit Utility to provide a forum for identifyinh and addressing the transportation needs of those with disabilities. Meetings will take place in the meeting room at the Vigo County Public Library Main Branch, 1 Library Square, Terre Haute, IN 47807.
Residents, business owners, service organizations, and other stakeholders can utilize several ways to provide comment:
900 Wabash Avenue, Suite 202
Terre Haute, IN 47807
p. (812) 234-2524, ext. 104